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* Dont Read if its against your thoughts or you are not ready/self-intrested.
* Mysterious Alfa is all about self search for Universal Truths.
* Effort to understand the Hidden Mystery Beyond our Thinking.
* To Understand and discover the Missed Link of Historical Truth.
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Mysterious Alfa is my Search for unexplained Universal Truths..!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Alfa Intro

Praise to the Lord
Mysterious Alfa is my Search for unexplained Universal Truths.
Word of God -“Watch, Mortal man listen carefully and pay close attention to everything I show you,
because this is why you were brought here” [ Ezekiel- 40:4]

Unexplained Universal Truths for which we call Mystery….Alpha to Omega from the beginning till the End there is a Mystery... A mystery which is beyond our thinking a mystery beyond our thoughts and beyond our reach…..

My intension is not only express about this worldly things but universal things too, where human beings or earthly things are no where. Because earth is just the small part of the big Universal system.

Throughout this reading Holy Spirit will reveal and you will find many strange things written without any knowledge. Which may make you to think about it deeply? Those who are blind for them these things are just a waste paper in dustbin.